"Why is (area x) blurry? When will this be updated with better imagery?"
There is no one answer to these questions. Here is what the Google Earth Support Center says:
"We update our imagery regularly and strive to do so as often as possible. However, we're unable to provide you with specific information regarding when a specific area will be updated. Also, we don't offer high resolution imagery by order. This information will be added when it's available from our data providers.
A great way to stay informed is through The Sightseer, our monthly newsletter, which highlights all of our data additions on an ongoing basis. If you'd like to subscribe, please visit http://earth.google.com/sightseer_signup.html"
"Google Earth acquires the best imagery available, most of which is approximately one to three years old."
Still, most people want to know exactly when future high resolution imagery will become available. I can tell you that Googlers constantly work to update our Maps and Earth product imagery. It is a big challenge to provide the best possible imagery for the entire globe. Having said that, Google does a fantastic job and issues frequent updates to imagery. So it pays to follow the suggestion of subscribing to the Sightseer; it is a great resource.
Most areas I've looked at are blurry. I look around a lot in Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona and Hawaii. Your maps have to be older than one to three years old. I've looked for housing developments that have been there at least five years.
When looking for my house on Google Earth, it showed someone else's house down the end of our street, same thing happened with my brothers house.
I know some places are blurrier than others, but I couldn't even see my grandmother's house even a little the blur was so bad, only a white smear.
I love Google Earth, but usually if things are blurry (including my town :-( ) I know I can just go to Microsoft's local.live and view it clearly. I don't belive that Google needs to update anything. After comparing blurry areas in Google Earth and MS local.live, I have reached the conlusion that both companies have the same imagery, but Google is purposely blurring areas for some reason. Look for yourself.
actual reason for google blur, Government intervention.
Since people overseas and here even have access to this big brother only allows google to map certain area's.
Is there not a way that my area can be updated. The images are from 2001, over 7 years old, and as such not accurate. This seems a shame, as everywhere else seems to be OK. Most other areas of the UK are 2006/2007, but Falmouth UK is still 2001...
Any ideas ????
Government/corporate wishes...Look at Holland,Mi.home to the Prince family,one of the biggest right wing financiers for many years, childhood home of Blackwater CEO Erik Prince. The rich and powerful don't want the peasant minions looking in their yards...
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