However, KML can move from Maps to Earth as well. If you are viewing KML-based content in Google Maps, you can export the KML out as a file that you can view in Google Earth. Just look for the KML icon and link in the top right corner of the Google Maps page.
Example: here is a mountain bike ride I did late last year. I tracked my ride using a GPS device, saved the GPS data to KML using Google Earth, then posted the KML on a web server. Notice the KML link in the Google Maps web page.
Another example: Any Google Maps content (such as this depiction of Kauai) created using My Maps can also be exported as a KML file and brought into Google Earth.
I'm glad you can export the MyMaps data to KML for viewing in Google Earth.
But, what I'd REALLY like to see, is the ability to IMPORT my existing KML files into MyMaps so I can share them with friends! (And they could help update them, to!)
I have exported a map from MyMaps, and I want to change the "Info-bubbles" look. How to do that ?
I know i'ts possible, look at the great USHMM data for the Darfur crisis. They have changed the background in blue, for example.
I want to change the background, the font type, alignment and color of the text and also change the rounded corners...
I also did something similar, however export to KML is only partial: inside the file there is a URI refering the coordinates, so I cannot "reuse" direclty my hand-edited data. At least it seems so.
dda, are you referring to the balloon which appear in Google Earth? You can customize these using HTML within the KML. See this blog post:
If there is no KML button, you can also try typing "&output=kml" at the end of the url of the Google Maps page you're viewing...It works for directions, at least...
Yes, John. I could customize my KML, but I feed it every day with new places in MyMaps. How to made this change only once ? (And not every time I export the KML file)
Jon: thank you, using output=kml I obtained the full translation to kml; by the way, including points of interest with their icons.
(here my example: http://maps.google.it/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=it&msa=0&msid=110818617539867254891.00000112b93520083ff97&z=14&om=1)
dda, you can customize some aspects of the content in My Maps. To learn more, check out my new Google Maps user guide:
I hope this helps.
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